Villa Frisk And Villa Haren By Thorbjornsson Edgren

Villa Frisk Thorbjornsson Edgren 3

I had a hard time choosing my favorite house for today, so I came with two Villas for your eyes delight. Two Scandinavian wonders built with love for natural materials and simplicity, for sun and natural light, both signed by Thorbjornsson Edgren.

However, I think, after thoughtful consideration, I’ll give in to the first Villa presented in the pictures, Villa Frisk. The charms of the wooden Villa Frisk, with its opened spaces and natural wood works, huge windows and clean looks really got me. Ah, and that façade from aged wood is a wonder!

Villa Frisk Thorbjornsson Edgren 2

Villa Frisk Thorbjornsson Edgren 5

Villa Frisk Thorbjornsson Edgren 4

Villa Frisk Thorbjornsson Edgren 1

Villa Haren Thorbjornsson Edgren 1

Villa Haren Thorbjornsson Edgren 2

Villa Haren Thorbjornsson Edgren 3

Villa Haren Thorbjornsson Edgren 4

Villa Haren Thorbjornsson Edgren 5

Posted in Architecture,House Tour

Written by admin | 2 comments

2 Responses to 'Villa Frisk And Villa Haren By Thorbjornsson Edgren'

  1. The second house looks haphasard in design to me.Esthetically not very researched.
    The first house blends in well with the greenery but the inside looks impersonal and lacks a painting on the wall perhaps.
    I pity the person who has to clean the window panes in these houses!

    Dolly Bird

  2. […] I hear the description “intimate villa”, I automatically start dreaming about a cottage-like home of mignonne proportions, but this […]

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