Giffin’TerMeer Presents Daisy Vase
The world just gets more surprising with every passing day. And a human mind can make beautiful things!
The Daisy Vase by Giffin’TerMeer is the perfect example for an idea that couldn’t have gone further in beauty. A simple BIC roller pen turns into a vase, a delicate Daisy Vase. Not to mention it’s a great way to recycle the plastic Bic! It’s all handcrafted with outmost care. It’s about heat and how you make it work your way. And for Giffin’TerMeer, it worked like a daisy! (via)
Forgive me but I do find these vases quite kinky in a genitalia sort of way.Or maybe its the Chardonay I drank tonight.Anyway I think they’re unusual and conversation pieces.
Dolly Bird
…OMG Dolly Bird…I’m plain sober but now I see the same thing as you did!