Harmonia 57, Sao Paulo Brazil

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 6

I guess this building changes the way I understand the “living space” concept. Harmonia 57 is Triptyque’s office building located in west Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The eco system which allows the vegetation to grow on the walls of the building is heavily sustained by a watering structure running through the concrete walls. The plants grow in little cavities specially designed for this purpose. In time, all the concrete should be covered in vegetation.

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 4

The Harmonia 57 is in many ways a living organism. Not only its walls would be covered in vegetation, but also its pipes running trough the walls are like human veins. The water cycle keeping the vegetation alive and growing captures and reuses the rain water. The collected water is transported through a system of pipes that’s pumped up in the walls. By the time the plants will grow to cover the entire walls surface, it won’t be as impressive (and as strange looking) as it is now, at its beginning. (via)

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 2

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 9

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 8

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 7

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 10

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 5

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 3

Harmonia 57 Triptyque Sao Paulo Brazil 1

Posted in Architecture,House Tour,Public Spaces

Written by admin | 3 comments

3 Responses to 'Harmonia 57, Sao Paulo Brazil'

  1. […] There’s a really cool building that has every external wall covered in growth. Deco Journal has pictures of the building known as Harmoania 57 and an english description of what exactly is going on. For those that speak Spanish, here’s a […]

  2. […] Ei makeaa mahan täydeltä. Mitähän mieltä rakennusvalvonnassa oltaisiin oltu Sao Paulon Triptych57 -talosta jossa on sumutettavat […]

  3. may i know who the architect for this project?….this building very cool..


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