C’Est Sous La Lampe Qu’Il Fait Le Moins Clair Lamp By Franck Heymans
This graceful lamp was designed by Franck Heymans, a pianist and designer.
With a beautiful, almost poetic name “C’est sous la lampe qu’il fait le moins clairâ€, this stainless steel and iron lamp weights 13kgs and works with a 12 V (20 w) halogen bulb. You can also have it in its twin version. The lamp comes in various colors and it works equally for public and private spaces, its subtle grace can match every interior.
I’d feel strangely claustrophobic about having this hanging over my head. I don’t really see the point of it. It reminds me of the showers at the local swimming pool.
Dolly Bird
Je suis intéressée par le modèle de lampe “C’est sous la lampe qu’il fait le moins clair” dans le coloris rouge.
Est-il possible de commander ce modèle par Internet ?
Leone Pizzio
Leone Pizzio